برنامه 2

<title> title of page </title>
<body bgcolor=rgb="(000000)">
&#160 &#60 &#62 &#38 &#34 &#39
&nbsp &lt &gt &amp &quot
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&iexcl &cent &pound &yen &copy &laquo &deg &plusmn &reg
&#215 &#247 &#62 &#188 &#189 &#190
&frac14 &frac12 &frac34 &times &divide
<b>this page is bold </b>
<strong> this text is bold </strong>
<big> this text is bold </big>
<em> this text is bold </em>
<i> this text is bold </i>
<small> this text is bold </small>
this text is bold <sub> subscript </sub>
this text is bold <sup> subscript </sup>
<del> this text contains </del>
<ins> this text contains </ins>
<code> this text contains </code>
<kbd> this text contains </kbd>
<tt> this text contains </tt>
<var> this text contains </var>
<samp> this text contains </samp>
this is preformated text
for i=0 to 10
     print i
next i
<samp> this text contains </samp>
<abbr title="united nations"> un </abbr>
<accronym title="World Wide Web">
<bdo dir="rtl">
here some text to red

گزارش تخلف